Sweet Hearts Balloon Bouquet
This sweet hearts balloon bouquet features heart balloons, available in an assortment of pinks, red, white, gold, or silver.
Put in your order notes at checkout your preferred colors! Balloons come filled with helium and on strings with a weight.
Sweet Hearts Balloon Bouquet
11" Latex Balloons: Best up to 48 hours
Jumbo Foil Number/Letter Balloons: Best up to 5 days, can last 7+ days
3' Latex Balloons: Best up to 5 days, can last 7+ days
Changes in temperature can affect float time. Please remove balloons from bags as soon as you receive them and keep them in a moderate temperature room.
♡ 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
If your balloon pops before the "Best Before" time, give us a call and we will happily replace or refund it!